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Audi A3 Interior
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What is Audi connect<sup>®</sup>?
What is Audi connect®?

Audi connect® with Google Earth satellite imagery is your guide to places of interest, travel information, weather reports, fuel prices and more. You can even send destinations with your myAudi account on your desktop straight to your car.

Online Services
Google Voice Local Search

With the power of Google™ on the tip of your tongue, Audi connect® brings a vast internet database to you with the advanced engineering and style of Audi. Looking for a meal with a little kick? Just ask for “spicy chicken”—Google will populate your navigation display with restaurants or descriptions that match the phrase you speak.

In-Car Wi-Fi
In-Car Wi-Fi

With Audi connect®, you can turn your Audi into a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot which allows up to eight passenger devices to connect to the internet simultaneously.